
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Monitor

So a few days ago my old monitor just went caput. It was a great monitor a Sony CRT and I had it for quite a while. I was working on one of myFlash projects and the screen blinked to black and then came back, I didn't think anything of it until the whole screen top and bottom decided to start doing the Mambo! Needless to say that was the end of that. So I was able to find a smokin deal on a brand new 22" Samsung LCD Monitor from PCClub. It's a great monitor and the space I have for working on screen now is just perfect. I've really come to like the Samsung brand I have two Samsung 20"ers at work and they really come in handy. Oh yes it would be nice to have two at home, but not neccesary. So many other things take priority. But I digress, the most impressive thing about the switch to a new monitor is the detail and color I get from the Samsung. Amazing! It brings all my old photo's back to life and makes me want to stare at them all over again. Here is a look at what my new monitor looks like, it just the commercial picture that they have on the website.

1 comment:

Katrina and Bill said...

Wow! Cool monitor, Tim! I'm glad you got a blog to share your brilliance with the world. Love ya,